I am getting these verses through my daily reading at YouVersion.com. I am actually a day off, but I really don't care. Eventually I will just go for two verses in the day and catch up nicely. Today's verse is:
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
This came along with a wonderful devotional from Joyce Meyer. One of the things that really struck me about that devotional was that I am assured that I will be tempted, but I am equally assured that God will provide a way out. He wont even let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. A way out. One of those ways is for me to think ahead and make a decision before I get tempted. For example, I have been working on getting my weight down. One thing I know is that I really enjoy sweets. I also totally love bread, butter and all the goodness that is otherwise known as CARBOHYDRATES. I cannot indulge in these yummy treasures all the time, because they are my downfall. I am the victim of being a true "you can't eat just one" kind of gal. Knowing this, I really should keep the carbs around me to a minimum. This will be doing my part in keeping myself from temptation. This is my way out. I also have knowledge. I am not always going to keep these treats away from me, but I do know what they do to me. I need to remind myself of their effect and calmly take just one or two and be done. I know the consequences of overindulging. I am a big girl and I know how to stop. Reminding myself of the potential for overkill is also a good way out.
Of course these are rather tame temptations compared to some that others may have. This is not to say that I do not have other temptations that might be more embarrassing to admit. They all have the same thing in common though...God can see us through them. For the most part, God has already hipped us to the fact that there are many things that we do that aren't good for us. There are many things that we are drawn to that can hinder our relationships with others and with God. What we need to do is recognize them and learn to deal with them by either the ole moderation thing or knowing that there is not such thing as moderation with some...cut them completely.
Here is another one of mine that is not quite so simple. I have been working really hard on being more patient, less critical and more kind. I do not know why, but I have the ability to be overly annoyed and put out. I don't like this side of myself, and thank God, for dealing with me on this. I am learning to be kind when someone does something wholly wrong or annoying. The fact is, I can be wrong quite often. God shows me grace during those times. I need to show the same grace to others. Sometimes I choose to take care of a situation rather than point it out to someone else, because pointing it out may cause them to feel badly about themselves.
You might think that I am being silly because how is one supposed to learn if someone doesn't point out what they are doing is wrong? When something is minor, I stick with this policy and ask God to teach them or find someone else to. This is simply because I do not know yet how to do so without making a person feel bad. I am not a beast. It may be that these people are overly sensitive to their own foibles. Either way, I cannot be the corrector. I also do things myself rather than have other people do them because again they do not get it right and I end up doing it myself after the fact and do it with a cruddy attitude. To me, it is far better to do it in the first place than clean up another person's mistake. And this doesn't mean I take EVERYTHING on. I don't. I just choose what to take on in order to keep myself from getting wonky and obnoxious and to also not be the cause for anyone else to feel badly about themselves.
Does any of that make sense? I worry about instruction when it comes to my son. That is good enough for me. I am not avoiding conflict...trust me. I am learning how to just be more encouraging to others and learning to be kinder to me. Life is too short to live even a moment with aggravation that is not necessary.
I like that God gives us a way out. Sometimes it is something that he will show us. He may miraculously open a door for us. Sometimes it is going to involve opening our eyes to things that He has been working out in us. :)
I am also relieved to know that I am not alone in these troubles and temptations. All of us are tempted. I don't have to feel bad about the fact that I have issues that I am working on. I am not alone.
Here is that devotional that came with the verse:
Oh Yes You Can!
We all face temptation, it's an unavoidable part of life. The question is not, "Will you be tempted?" The question is, "When you're tempted, will you be ready?"
I really want you to get this: You can beat temptation. Stop saying, 'Joyce, I just don't think I can.' Take 'I can't!' out of your vocabulary.
In your own strength and by your own ability, you're right. You can't. But when you put God's Word in your heart, when you lean on His strength and trust in His promises, there's no temptation you can't overcome.
Over the years, I've noticed five things that make all the difference in overcoming temptation. First, you've got to be wise. Think about the choices you're making and the consequences before you make them. Wisdom looks ahead.
Next, you have to believe that you can resist temptation. Condemnation, guilt and shame work off of momentum, if you stop them early, they lose their power, but once they get rolling, they're hard to stop. Third, think of facing temptation as normal life. If you're expecting a fight, you'll always be ready.
Fourth, avoid areas of weakness. Don't put yourself in situations where you can easily fall. If you struggle with managing your money, don't go to the mall when you can't afford to buy anything!
And finally, don't give yourself too much credit. We don't graduate from being tempted. It's so easy to think you've matured beyond stumbling, and once that happens, you make yourself an easy target.
God wants you to trust Him to bring victory in every area of your life. By His grace, you can!
Prayer Starter: God I realize temptation is a part of life. Help me not to be caught off guard or surprised when it comes. Thank You for the wisdom and grace to overcome any and all temptations and to live in Your victory.
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