I love free samples. I love the opportunity to try something new and perhaps add a new item to my loves! When it comes to coffee, I am always ready to give a new brand a shot. A while back I got a free sample of Seatle's Best Coffee in Level 3. I honestly wanted to rip into it immediately, but my husband convinced me to wait for a Friday evening. Why? Because he is an old man (actually younger than me) and coffee keeps him up at night. Me? I can drink coffee and still sleep like a baby. I believe that is because of the extensive training I received from many late night coffee walks in my college days where my best friend and I would drink cup after cup of coffee while walking and talking through her neighborhood. But...I digress. I do that. Let's get on to my review.
Seattle's Best Coffee has a new level system that makes it easy to pick the level that is right for you. You can head to the Seattle's Best Coffee website and read all about each one and be sure that you are going to be pleased. It couldn't be easier. I had chosen Level 3 which is described as "Balanced, smooth , full flavored." The description definitely seemed to suit me, but the test was in the brewing.
First of all, even though I said the test was in the brewing...it is a lot more than that my friends. What happens when you open the bag of coffee. Does the aroma make you smile? Does it smell so good you can't wait to try it? Does it smell so good you can taste it? I'm serious. This coffee smelled good. It had a strong aroma, but not a STRONG aroma. It was nutty and rich scented. Once brewed, my husband took notice. He grabbed a cup quickly, prepped it up and said "This is good coffee, baby." I hadn't even had mine yet, the rat! My own fault of course as I was finishing up some homemade iced coffee (ever since we got a new fridge with a crushed ice mode...I have rediscovered my iced coffee addition ---oops again I digress). That was all the spurring on I needed.
The taste...rich but not overly so. Bold in a cheeky way. In other words, it didn't slap me in the face, but its smooth nuttiness made just the right impression. I am in definite like! My husband tried it with a flavored creamer next and said that the creamer didn't overpower the flavor of the coffee like it can with others. I don't do soy so I couldn't go in that direction, but I made myself a mocha next by adding a little chocolate syrup, and the flavor balance was fabulous.
Overall opinion - Lovin't it! I already am a fan of the yummy lattes in a can, and now I can say that I will be picking up some of the bagged coffees as well. I am really tempted to grab myself a Level 5 which is described as "Bold, dark, intense." It also has a stunning purple package. This I like as well. It is nice that you can find what you like and not grab something else because you mistook the packaging. By they way...Level 3 was a beautiful brilliant red.
You can pick up Seattle's Best Coffees at grocery stores, Walmarts, CVS and even get it brewed at Subway and Burger King. I of course prefer to brew my own. Follow this link to their website if you'd like to learn more. :)
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